Thursday, April 30, 2009

TGHH: Berenice spills her secrets

Luckily, we were able to get a hold of the inspection report that the previous buyers ordered. To me, it reads much better than I thought it would. It cites many, many items but none are considered dangerous or unlivable. A lot of things can be taken care of pretty easily. It says that the foundation appears fine but recommends a foundation expert for full evaluation.

Just to be safe, Sergio hires a foundation expert. He also does home inspection work so we kind of scored getting him. His written report would just be on the foundation, but he would tell Sergio about anything he found. He found a lot.
  • The foundation is completely shoddy. It was not built right to begin with (way back in 1912) and is now deteriorating to the point that it needs to be re-poured completely.
  • The third bed and bath at the back of the house we knew was added. But he points out how bad the construction is. He recommends tearing that down completely.
  • He also points out the retaining wall holding back the hillside, breaking apart in the backyard and explains that there is insufficient water drainage coming off the hillside and through the yard. You can actually see the water runoff patterns on the dirt from recent rains. The water is hitting the foundation of the house dead-on -- hence the deterioration.
  • The original wood floors need to be replaced. It has been sanded many times and is too thin to survive another sanding.
  • The chimney cracks are causes for concern. Maybe pull down and rebuild.
  • While the fireplace is real, the mantle is not. At least, it wasn't really part of the house. He was able to easily pull the entire mantle and surround away from the wall as if it were on wheels.
You would think that if he was chasing business for his company, he would have advised us to buy the property -- it needed so much! But, he did the opposite. He did not think the house was a good investment and was upset that banks were putting houses like these on the market and not disclosing the condition. He says he sees it all the time. Foreclosed/short sale homes are as-is and it's basically buyer-beware.

Sadness. And distinct relief. Thank goodness Sergio called that guy! It would have been awful if we moved in and found all these problems.

Goodbye again Berenice. For good this time. We wish we could save you, but can't afford it. Well, we still have El Paso.

(one final peek)

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