We stopped by a yard sale where Sergio met someone who also trained in Muay Thai. He got the name of the gym and he's considering looking into it. I shudder a bit to imagine him sparring or in a match. :(
Then we went to the cafeteria at India Sweets & Spices for the first time. It is all vegetarian and ALL GOOD. yummers. The samosas are particularly mouthwatering. (Oh dear. I think we need to go back there soon. Who wants to join us?!?) Then we stopped into Pot-ted next door. So I've never had a favorite plant and pottery shop before. Now I do. Even Sergio loved it! They carry a vast rainbow array of gorgeous pottery and fountains in all sizes. Specialized in juicy succulents, they do custom plantings and were running a sale this past weekend! We came home with a bright green pot and a decorative ginkgo leaf wall sculpture. (pics later!)
After a quick visit to Fresh and Easy, I sort of conked out on the couch for a rare nap. It was pretty warm today and I awoke feeling odd.....
{'scuse me. the prettiest song came on kcrw just now...wow, who IS that? Detour to kcrw.com for a sec....bear with me.
It's Fiona Apple!!! I haven't heard her in ages!! Song: Why Try to Change Me Now. It's jazzy and beautiful. Find it and hear it. wow. I listened to her first album over and over and over back in the day... Anyway, what was I rambling about earlier? Right.}
I woke up, repotted a plant in my new green pot, hung up my cool ceramic windchime....and then made caprese with the lush basil we have potted out front. And then, Sergio and I shared a bottle of One Hope Sauvignon Blanc. This is new to F&E and it was not bad. It's an intriguing concept. They donate 50% of all profit to a partner charity. The cause depends on the varietal:
- Cabernet Sauvignon: Autism - ACT! Today
- Chardonnay: Breast Cancer - Susan G. Komen
- Merlot: AIDS - AIDS/LifeCycle
- Sauvignon Blanc: The Planet - American Forest
- Zinfandel: Our Troops - Snowball Express
So...after that bottle of wine, I DEFINITELY didn't feel like the kinky crowd. I was a bit sad but then, I set up a date with Mr. Bubbles.
Sigh. What a wonderful cap to a really nice weekend. I hope yours was equally lovely, if not more so.
P.S. Late last night, I spent some time drawing while Sergio was sleeping. The doodles are a bit cartoony but I thoroughly enjoyed myself. I think I'll try to do that more often.
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