Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Elsie on SF TV News!

So...we're back. Just in time for some really cold temperatures in L.A. Brrr....! Sure, it's not as cold as Boston ever was, but we had central heating while we lived there. Right now, we are relying on a space heater and warmth generated by cooking dinner. So, when it dips down to 41 degrees F outside, that equates to...really cold inside.

San Francisco was AMAZING! We heart heart heart that gorgeous city! I want to move there! Seriously. What's that song? I left my heart in Saan Fraan-cisco....

We had a wonderful time and can't wait to go back. I don't have time to do major blogging tonight. Plus, I'm really cold and want to crawl into bed. Before I do though, I want to share this fun story: The first night we were in SF, we stopped in at the Beat Museum and I got on TV!! I was on the 11PM news. ha! So funny. The city has stopped running a couple of the MUNI bus lines to cut costs and some riders wrote obituaries for them. The reporter wanted "on the street" type setups where random people read some of the obits as part of his report. I was one of those random people!

Here I am with Joe Vasquez, the reporter.

And here is the link to the video! I show up midway through the piece. I had a couple glasses of wine and a heavy pour of limoncello...hence the reading too fast. The old guy right after me was awesome though.


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