Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello Girlthursday!

Many, many months ago, Lois of hello girlthursday and I did some virtual bonding over our mutual CViv love. As I followed her blog, I began noticing a smattering of similarities between us and I left a stalkerish comment on one of her postings, listing a few of them. Thank goodness it did not freak her out because we got to meet up last week while she was in town for a cousin's wedding. I think she is so cool! And super nice to bring me a little treat from Toronto H&M. Sergio and Carlo chattered away in Italian all night, which made me happy.

Thank you (and Todd especially) for trekking through hellish LA rush hour traffic, all the way from Torrance! I picked my new favorite bar as our meet up spot. I was pleased that Betsy joined us as well. I think they're all pondering Lois' Cali beach shell spoils in those first few photos. Isn't her shirt chic and cute?

We ended the evening with a spot of gelato and a chat outside in the summer night.

So fun!

P.S. Neither of us spontaneously combusted or ceased to exist as we feared might happen when doppelgangers meet. Thank goodness. That would have been awkward.


  1. I thought I commented on this but it must not have worked… YAY! We didn't combust! Elsie, we had such a great time with you guys! GREAT choice on the winebar. Please please come visit Carlo and me in Toronto. Lots of wine to be had in the Niagara region! :)

  2. It was so fun hanging with you guys, and thanks for the invite out to Toronto! We'll definitely have to set something up!! Looking forward to the photo recap of your trip! Ciao to Carlo!
