Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Friday Morning

Honestly, I'm not sure how many other people in the U.S. gets Good Friday off as a company holiday, but I'm not complaining. It's one of those days that I never remember we get off -- sort of like finding a five dollar bill in your pocket that you don't remember putting there. It's kind of like a Sunday -- lazy and relaxed.

We made our way over to Westwood in the AM and I had a cafe au lait accompanied by a chocolate croissant. I've had better of both -- but we got to sit at an outdoor firepit! Such an indulgence for 10AM on a Friday! Sure, it smelled a little like a gas fireplace, because it was, and the wood was fake...very LA, still, pretty fabulous.

After a quick dr. appnt we drove to the Century City Mall and decided to take in a movie that Sergio has been wanting to see since he saw the trailer: Monsters vs. Aliens: 3D IMAX. The movie was pretty fun and the 3D work was awesome. Things have come a long way since Captain EO!

One of my fave scenes is when BOB sweet talks the green jello. Very cute and funny.

I briefly considered taking the 3D glasses home and having them made into real sunglasses. But I didn't. My actual sunglasses are pretty big already... Sergio is going to kill me when he sees this post.

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