Monday, June 22, 2009

Jenny's Wedding: The Pom-Poms

Before I post any more house photos -- wanted to show what Sergio and I have been crazily prepping for in the midst of the house buying: Jenny's wedding.

We stayed up late making pom-poms:

It was two nights before the wedding and we got pretty punchy. Jenny was laughing so hard at one point, it made me laugh until there were tears streaming down my face. We ended up getting Slurpees at 7-11 at the end of the night.

We were not nearly done so the next morning, the day before the wedding, Jenny enlisted the help of Angie who brought along her little helpers:

Poor kids! They gave up a perfectly good Friday afternoon after being let out of school to make wedding decorations.

With the aid of their rapid little fingers though, we got them all done and transported to the wedding site right before the rehearsal.

Sergio and Uncle Wing.

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