Friday, August 21, 2009

Martha & Henri

Martha is getting married tomorrow, in Bordeaux. She found a nice French fellow by the name of Henri while living in Zurich. They now live in Bayreuth, Germany with their son, Noé. I fully intended to be there with her tomorrow. But then Sergio and I purchased a home. It was just more financially prudent to stay put. I agonized over the decision for a long, long time. The responsible adult in me finally won, the friend and romantic in me was so sad.

I've known Marti since freshman year at BU. I remember the exact moment we met and shook hands in our dorm on Carlton St. We had received roommate info during the summer and I remember thinking, "Gosh, she sure doesn't look like she's from Maui." :) When I look back at my time in Boston, it is with much fondness and warmth--much to do with the people I met there. One of my favorites is Marti. She is fun, caring, smart and honest.

I considered uploading a silly photo from our college days in her honor. But then I found this sweet snapshot from when she and Henri visited with me and Sergio a few years ago in Italy. I couldn't resist drawing hearts around them.

Congratulations Marti & Henri.

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