Sunday, August 8, 2010

Lake Cachuma 2010

Lake Cachuma is a fish stocked reservoir located just north east of Santa Barbara, in sipping distance of the tasting rooms located in and around Santa Ynez. The fish were elusive but not the good times. Sergio thinks he has found a new hobby (fishing).

Full album here guys:

Camping at Lake Cachuma

Oh man were the squirrels ambitious! I found one in our tent the first day and later that night, we found our tortillas had all been sampled by the rascals!

The first morning, after a fitful night of sleep, I blearily stumbled over to the lake and was surprised to find myself in the exact same spot I had been several years earlier. It was the first time we had ever visited the campground and it was one of the last times I took pictures with b/w film. The lake is much fuller this year and so pretty. Just like last time, the early morning fog nestled on the water while water birds glided about like tiny loch ness monsters.

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