We've been discussing a decomposed granite patio for months now. We finally got cracking this weekend. After spending an excruciating Saturday at Home Depot (that place is like purgatory), we spent Sunday afternoon working on it. And by we I mean Sergio.



(AFTER ...coming soon! Hopefully we'll have a bit of time to make some progress during the week. I'll keep you posted!)
While Sergio toiled in the back, I performed much needed Rx on my potted plants. I replanted my hurting plant babies in the correct soil and in bigger containers. I hope they perk up soon. (I'm such a bad plant mama.)

And, I finally filled our Circle Pot from Potted! We got this fabulous planter half-off because it has a few blemishes. All the more perfect if you ask me. Cannot wait to put it up!

Oh, and our Japanese Maple is back!! We thought it died. I think it was shocked by being replanted in last summer's intense heat and retreated into early hibernation. We were so sad but now, so happy!

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