Friday, March 16, 2012

Checking in

Self portrait

2.5 months into 2012, I feel good about my resolutions. Here they are in no particular order (in case you weren't keeping track).
  1. Learn my camera
  2. Take better photos (and learn how to edit ruthlessly!)
  3. Create more
  4. Learn something new
  5. Get healthy and be honest about it
  6. Live consciously
  7. Clean-up the blog! 
Progress Report
  1. I've enrolled in a photo workshop! And uber excited.
  2. See #1.
  3. We just started noticing tiny sprouts from the seeds we put into our box a few weeks ago. And we began composting finally so we're creating dirt. Good dirt. Also, see #4.
  4. I'm learning how to knit! It kind of stresses me out though. I'm always afraid I'll drop a stitch (which I've done) and totally mess it up. #1 and #2 takes care of some of this one too.
  5. Teeny steps here. I got a scale and don't mind using it. I've taken a couple yoga classes at our local fitness studio. There's a bollywood cardio class there on Sunday that sounds fun. Sigh. It's tough to stay motivated. I just learned that 30 mins. of hula hooping can be as intense a workout as a boot-camp class or cardio kickboxing. Maybe I'll get a hula hoop this weekend.
  6. This resolution is tricky because it can be interpreted in a few ways. Mostly I lead my life with a deep sense of gratitude. Secondly, I want to make things happen instead of letting things happen. It's harder than it sounds.
  7. Well. I'm ok if this one falls off as long as I'm busy with #1-6.
There you have it. I had always been so afraid of talking about things I wanted in case they didn't happen - resolutions included. But I've come to believe that for some things, there's a better chance if I put it out into the universe -- if only to hold myself more accountable.

So, how are you doing on those resolutions?


  1. Hey Elsie, what are you knitting? I've been knitting for 15 years and still dropping stitches…sigh.

  2. Hey Lois - a scarf. I wanted the easiest project to start with and I figured it can't get any easier than a long rectangle. slow going though...
